Thursday, December 20, 2007

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going !!!

Dedicated to my brother...

I have these words to say for my brother. He is one of his kind, bugged up with so many odds in his life but as the proverb goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going". He is tough and he is going ahead and I adore him for that.

Monday, October 8, 2007

In the making...

So bits and pieces are falling in place to make a ship... A ship that has to go a longgg way...

Just the beginning, I must say and still a lot more to go before the journey starts, i see some good wood and nails... and a kind of crew that might board it..

a) an inexperienced yet imaginative navigator
b) one to look at the service department, little experience but high in dreams
c) one to understand that all threads of the network are in place
d) one not so experienced but who knows what to run thru
e) a core engine expert, knowing a little of periphery too..
f) a sailor cum captain to put things in place and propel beyond the horizon

All are enthusiastic, but unaware of the existence of each other. A central contact point is known to all though. Most of them have dreamt either of big or the bigger or still bigger. What the captain is waiting for then. The captain is yet to charge the team but he has a doubt "will the rest accept him as the captain, the ultimate sailor.. "

The question still open, open for all of them and open for the sailor.. and if they team up and have the jest to go till the end.. then horizon is their, who can stop them... just as Eliot Ness..

"Never stop fighting, until the fight is done" - Eliot Ness
The Untouchables

Monday, October 1, 2007

Suhani, the little wonder....

Yeah, i am talking about Suhani, the little wonder. Many of my friends know her well coz of me talking about her so much. Well, truly speaking, she has been a life line for me in the otherwise shattered life of Mumbai. Yesterday she went to market with her aunt. Guess what, she got two chocolates, one for herself and another for her chachu... how lovely. And on top of that, she doesn't give it to me, doesn't allow me to open it... she opens it up by her little hands and push it in one go in my slightly open mouth, pushes it with full force so that i have no chance to resist. Innumerous counts of such incidents.. You might call her up and ask how is she, she would respond back "Main to achchi hoon, aur chachu bhi achche hain.." isn't that sweet..??

You are a darling Suhani, a real sweetheart. Love you in loads ... :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Changing world, changing hearts..

Don't know what is making me write this, but this is what going within. The world going rough, feelings turning into matter, love has become momentary accomplishments, relationship means greed, workplace a battlefield, people have become commodity and life a misery and yet we call ourselves more cultured, socialist and ethnic then ever. The stone age is in its coming, just that tools, appearances and battlefields have changed, society that we called is in its ruins and will soon be obsolete.
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