Thursday, September 27, 2007

Changing world, changing hearts..

Don't know what is making me write this, but this is what going within. The world going rough, feelings turning into matter, love has become momentary accomplishments, relationship means greed, workplace a battlefield, people have become commodity and life a misery and yet we call ourselves more cultured, socialist and ethnic then ever. The stone age is in its coming, just that tools, appearances and battlefields have changed, society that we called is in its ruins and will soon be obsolete.

1 comment:

Akshay Mishra said...

Not to leave you thinking, but if you start blogging, start on a positive note. Leave your negative thoughts in /dev/null.

Some food for thought:
"Socrates was sitting outside of the gates of Athens. A man came up to him and said, "I am thinking about moving into Athens. Can you please tell me what it is like to live here?"

Socrates replied, "I would be happy to tell you, but first would you please tell me what it was like in your previous home city?"

The man roared, "Oh, it was awful. The people stab you in the back and rob you blind. I am leaving only enemies". Socrates frowned and continued, "Well, you best be on your way because you will find the same thing here in Athens".

Later another man stopped to speak to Socrates and inquired, "I was considering moving here to Athens. Can you tell me what it is like to live here?"

Socrates asked the visitor: "First tell me, what was it like in your previous home city?" The man smiled and said, "Where i come from the people all work together and help each other. Kindness is everywhere and you are never treated with anything but the utmost respect". "Welcome to Athens", smiled Socrates, "You will find the same thing here".

The world is what we think it is. The outside is a reflection of our inner self. If we look at the negative side of things, then our outlook would be bleak."

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